Saturday, September 27, 2008

Boy, has work been tough this month. Deadlines are next Tuesday and then I can relax a bit. I’ve been slodging out reading forums this month and not gone to any life drawing classes or done much in the drawing department because I’ve been too exhausted.

For my animation, I’ve been grinding away at backgrounds and background characters. No work has been done on the main characters and I really need to get back to them soon. I’ve been messing about with Antics to get the low down on some movements. The lead singer is fairly jerky, so using cold, shock and various other expressions; I can cobble together a reasonable dance routine. The Antic dance stuff really does suck, but small bits might be okay. By exporting it frame by frame I can use the movement to animate my characters by using the Antic models as templates. I know it’s not ideal, but I’m still learning loads even if it is the wrong way round. Actually, I learn most things the wrong way round; my brain must be wired up wonky.

Maybe if I had my life in front of me I might do things differently. I have a deadline and if I miss it, I’ll be kicking myself for the rest of my life. The window is fairly large (2010 – 2011), so I won’t be panicking until the end of next year.

Here’s another background. Just another 200 or so to go.

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